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Clin. Photodynamics

Rules and conditions to apply for:

Specialist Certificate
PDT Centre Accreditation
Centre of Excellence

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EURO-PDT Centre Accreditation.
 Appointment of  Centre Accreditation.


EURO-PDT Centre Accreditation.
 Appointment of  Centre Accreditation.
To ensure the highest possible standards in evidence based patient treatment,  we encourage colleagues to offer their departments as accreditated  Centres in PDT for dermatological conditions.
To be eligible for PDT Centre Accreditation the Centre shall:

  1. Operate  a PDT service based on evidence-based guidelines.
  2. Be managed and supervised by an EURO-PDT accredited PDT specialist.
  3. Treat at least 50 patients with PDT per annum.
  4. Have the necessary infrastructure including an appropriate illumination system.
  5. Have a PDT educated staff.

The PDT Centre Accreditation Programme is a EURO-PDT concept, independent of commercial sponsorship.
The website of EURO-PDT, will host a list of all Accredited Centres providing a contact point for patients, referal of patients and for local and international organisations.
Applications with documentation of the prerequisites shall be adressed to:  The Certification Committee, EURO-PDT.
The Accreditation Certificate is valid for 5 years. 
The cost of the Accreditation is Euros: 800,-
If the center intends to use the EURO-PDT Accreditation Certificate Logo for their purposes (website advertisement, letterhead etc.) for the duration of the validity of the certificate a fee of Euros 950,- will be charged.





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Last update: 2016-04-07